Why Am I Always Injured?

Data Vis + Design

Web app to explore my workout data and injury history. Created with p5.js.

Quest for the Holy Grail


Web-based scrolly-telling app allowing viewers to expore a more linear representation of the events of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Created with p5.js.

Weather App


Web-based mobile weather app designed to highlight the best times of day to go running. Created with p5.js.



Web-based clock that gives indication of the current time with the context of passed time, created with p5.js.

Cabintine Data Physicalization

Data Visualization

Handmade interactive data physicalization made entirely out of cardboard and cereal boxes that explores my and my peers' experience over a couple weeks in quarentine. Final project for 6.894 Interactive Data Visualizations.


Multimodal User Interface

Web app amaiming to create a synesthesia-like experience by translating sound into a colorful display. Final projcect for 6.835 Intelligent Multimodal User Interfaces.

Fastest Times Interactive Data Visualization

Data Visualization

Interactive data visualization web app allowing users to expore data of the fastest running times recorded across a number of different distances. Project for 6.894 Interactive Data Visualizations.

Round and Round

Interaction Design

Two-person, battleship-inspired remote game designed from found materials during COVID-19 quarantine. Final project for 4.043 Advanced Interactions.

1D Capture the Flag

Interaction Design

A two-person joystick game in which each player turns their joystick to move their light around the LED ring and try to capture their opponent's target. Project for 4.043 Advanced Interactions.

Running Buddy

Interaction Design

Device aiming to encourage two people to run together by tracking the amount of time their shoes are on their feet, not the platform, and comparing times with colored LEDs. Final project for 4.031 Objects and Interaction.

Wobble Chair


Playful chair design exploring aesthetics versus functionality. Project for 4.031 Objects and Interaction.

Van Gogh Sunflower Pocket


Hobby project, acrylic paints on jeans.